Monday, March 3, 2014

OMD! I'm so confused!

Howdy Pals-Plez be patient with ME! My dogatary is so
confused! It all started with Dogster,where I've played for almost 4 yrs.....Saying they would take away our Dogster Community. Now supposedly, this isn't going to happen????
Time will tell! Anywho, that whole mess, is how the confusion started.

You see, I have ALL the wonderful pals....they live Everywhere! No one wanted to lose all their Furships...
So we all hustled and other sites were found or created.
Places for us to roost with our pals. Wait and see
what happens....Keep playing and stay connected....

Some pals, went here and others there....OMD! That is how
I ended connected to 4 new sites,plus dogster and having
my own furbox. So each and every site works a little different.
Plus the extra accounts to learn the in's and out's of....
My own furbox,cuz the dogatary's business shouldn't be mixed with my pawsome mails! My mails  are filled 
with interesting updates and stories of life.... in other places.

Instead of mails filled with coupons,health information,
what's on sale,etc.....  BORING,BORING AND MORE BORING!!!!!! This doxie doesn't have to drown in that stuff, to read what her pals have going on...Yippy! It's great!
Especially when the dogatary remembers where all these places are! Old hoomans are a challenge to work with....
I try to keep things as simple for them as possible.

All this babble, brings me to how I ended up here at
blogger! Other pals,who are much smarter than I am...
already had blogs. They didn't want to lose their diaries
into cyberspace....Somewhere off in Never, Never-Land!
Pals volunteered to help us get going. We know they will
help....Everyone is so busy with all the boomerangs that
were thrown at us....So, we are trying to figure this out ourselves.

This is a TEST! I hope, we will have a blog entry????
All the extra places to Zoom To is how my old Grandma
became SO Confused! Her head is spinning like alphabet
soup!  We will keep trying.... Going to try and post and see what happens???????????
Hugs and Kisses,Mazy


  1. By George...I think I have a BLOG! Yippy! Zoomies!

  2. Yu got it! Good job Grrl!
    Keep it up, we'll be here to read whatever yu bark!

    Looks like Dogster is still there but it's gonna take a long time to get all the broken stuff fixed. I jus' don't know if I wanna spend much time there anymore. *sigh*

  3. Yup, you got it Mazy! Next time you are writing a new blog entry, look at the list of icons above where you are typing the text. You will see one that looks like a picture. My typist tells me it is the 9th icon if you start counting in from the right hand side. When you hover over it, it will say "Insert Image". Click on that icon and then you can insert a picture! Bark at us if we can help you more! Good luck!

  4. Yep, your blog is working and looks good!!

  5. Hi Mazy - Glad to see your Blog is up and running. We haven't been over at Dogster too much lately. We're going to wait and see what happens over there.

    Can't wait to see any pictures that your human posts.

  6. Howdy, Mazy! Looks like your post worked just fine! Let us know if ya needs any help with customizing your blog... we put some tips over on our pages.

  7. Thanks pals...We have a START! Yippy! Thanks Buddy for the Tip...Gpa and Gma caught a BAD buggie on sausage making day ...Only bug they have had this winter. It is nasty! Neither of them are playin' with a full deck right now. I'm on Nursin' duty too! The confusion continues and will be crazier than ever. Silly Gma bought a new PC that is a laptop. It's Fancy...going to take alot of time to PAW her outta this new Hole...She dug for herself!
    Something about,needing Time before official retirement to learn the new system...
    All I can say, is I like my desktop just FINE! More later.....thanks for stopping by.Hugs,mazy

  8. Yes my momma is all confused wiff lotz of different places where furriends haz gone to, too! Momma is trying to blog fur me and hoping some of our furriends follow Cassie's Chronicle!
